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Positive gearing


Positive gearing

What is positive gearing?

Positive gearing occurs when you receive more in rental income from your tenants than what you pay on the likes of loan repayments, interest, property, maintenance, management fees, rates etc. This is common when rents are high due to strong demand fro rental property and interest rates are low.

What is an example of positive gearing?

For example, an investor purchases a $600,000 property in an area where demand for rent is high. Because of the high rental demand, they can rent the property for a high rent return of $550 per week while their interest and maintenance cost comes to $440 a week. This means this property is increasing income by $110 per week, producing a positively geared return and paying for itself

What are the advantages of positive gearing?

What are the disadvantages of positive gearing?

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